30 Days: Physics Grad School vs. the Students

Saturday, August 20, 2005

it's over!

thank goodness that's over. what crap. I don't even want to think about it. it was totally ridiculous. I am practicing voodoo so I can squeeze some more partial credit from the graders. haha. I wish. yeah, it's a total crapshoot right now. I have no idea. my guess is that I'll be studying again in a few weeks so I can take it again in January. which wouldn't be soo awful. it will probably be easier and I'll feel a lot more prepared and confident. so, either way, I don't feel too bad about the whole situation. it still sucked though. *sigh*. such is life.
you can read about our after-comps activities on my blog.

It is over

That is it!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Oh no

I did not do well on E&M. Do not pray for partial credits pray for miracles. I haven't been feeling like writing so I'll write something again on Friday afternoon. See you!

I need a hair cut.

one day down, one to go

so the first day of the comps was today. from 8am to 1pm we struggled through seven classical mechanicis and electricity/magnetism problems. my brain still hurts. we got some free ice cream later in the afternoon, but even that didn't help much.

tomorrow is another study day and then on friday we have quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics. hopefully that will go alright.

pray that the graders are generous with partial credit. seriously.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


tomorrow's the day! at 8 am tomorrow we start the first of the comps. we have classic mechanics and electricity and magnetism for five hours. holy crap that's a long time. then we get a day's break and have another five hours of fun on friday (quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics).

the last few days have been totally ridiculous. my brain is completely overloaded. I don't think I can fit any more physics into my head. studying totally sucks. I'm so sick of it. I can't wait until friday afternoon, because no matter what happens, I will be done for now!

I feel really good about classical mech tomorrow, but not quite so good about e&m. it's a total crap shoot. if I get certain problems, I will be ok and have a decent chance of passing. if I get other problems, I'm totally screwed. we'll see what happens.

wish me luck!

The hour has come

This is it. Tomorrow we take the freaking test. We are not prepared at all. If I don't do any work tomorrow on the E&M part, I am not going on Friday. What for? I am very tired and the test is at 8:00 a.m. We'll see what happens!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

So we are part of the statistics

Brian says that 60% of the people that got drunk the Saturday before the comps pass the comps. I just puked!!!!!! That means that I'm really drunk. I hope I am part of the statistics. lol!!!!!!!!!!! Only 3 more days left!!!!!! OMG I'm going to fail.