30 Days: Physics Grad School vs. the Students

Monday, July 18, 2005

the idea

so, while Angel and I were studying today, we realized that we had exactly 30 days left until we take the comprehensive exam (comp) that will allow us to continue on our quest to get a ph.d. in physics. at the same moment, we had a brainstorm. why don't we document our progress over the next 30 days and see what happens as the physics slowly kills us. we were obviously inspired by Morgan Spurlock's tv show of the same name (check it out here). this will hopefully give all our readers a better idea of what it is really like to be a physics graduate student.


At 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brian's Money-back Guaranteed Study Plan:

Daily Schedule:

Wakeup (Do not set alarm)
Eat a bowl of lucky charms
Play a game of HORSE with friend
Play another game but spell out an obsene word.
Jump in a pool to cool off.
Go inside and drink some water.
Study: but only for 30 minutes or so, it's time for a game of 21
Eat Lunch- sammich
Relax- watch tv, surf internet, whatever
Play Poker on the Internet
Study: 45 minutes max
Play another game of "horse"
Go in pool.


The most important step is to get really really drunk the saturday before the comps at a dive bar. (after a game of poker of course) This proved very effective. 66% of the people who adhered to this plan, passed the comps. If karaoke is available, you must sing gay songs (hopefully for free beer). And you must make drunken phone calls.

If you do all this everyday, you will be good to go.

I promise.


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